Friday, April 25, 2008

Provident Pantry Newsletters...

Each Month there will be a posted Provident Pantry Newsletter.

The Newsletter focuses on our Provident Pantry monthly order item. It contains fun and informative facts about the item. Our Stake Presidency has a short encouraging message as well. There is also a "be ready. be prepared" section which is designed to help families build a 72 hr. Emergency Kit over the next year.

The Newsletter is a great resource to have. It may answer any questions that you have concerning the Provident Pantry Item. We are so lucky to have this wonderful program in place.

A big thank you goes out to all those who are involved in the Provident Pantry Program. Our Stake Provident Pantry Committee is amazing, and have done a lot of work to get this program organized and up and running. Thank you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great!